Rights and Permissions

You are free to:

  • Use and reproduce the work for your own purposes
  • Modify the work and adapt it into your own projects

However, you must NOT do any of the following:

  • Distribute the work or share it with anyone else

Your freedoms under this license apply to all copyright that vests in the work. However, you still must ensure that you do not infringe any:

  • Trade-marks
  • Patents
  • Neighbouring rights (ie. rights in a sound recording or performance)
  • Database rights (where applicable under European law)
  • Moral rights


You must:

  • Retain the original copyright notices and disclaimers to inform downstream users of the license conditions that apply to the original work
  • Provide attribution in the exact manner specified in the license


The licensor makes no guarantee to you as to:

  • The quality of the work. Keep in mind that the work may contain inaccuracies and errors. It may be entirely unsuitable for your purpose.
  • The clearance of rights. It is possible that the licensor might not actually own all of the rights that the license claims to grant. If this is the case, you could inadvertently infringe the copyright of a third party -- and you will bear the full responsibility of this infringement.

The license also contains a general disclaimer of liability. In most cases, you cannot sue the licensor, even if you suffer injuries or financial harm due to errors, inaccuracies, or faults on the part of the licensor.

License versioning

If the licensor updates or makes any changes to the license, you are immediately bound by the new terms. You cannot keep using work under the previous license.

Choice of Law and Forum

If a legal dispute arises between you and the licensor, it must be heard by a court at the specific location named in the license (usually within the jurisdiction of the original licensor). If this differs from your own location, any lawsuit may be more costly for you to launch or defend.

To resolve any such legal disputes, courts will interpret the license based on the laws in force at the specific location named in the license.